With a looming March 14 deadline on the continuing resolution (CR; HR10545) extending fiscal year (FY) 2024 funding, Congress is eager to put together a plan to push through the FY2025 budget. House Republicans, in effort led by Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), aimed to roll out the details of a large, one-bill budget resolution last week, ahead of a scheduled committee mark-up this week. However, with the House negotiations taking longer than expected, the Senate is stepping up to lead the charge on passing the budget.
Senate Budget Chair Lindsey Graham (R-SC) announced last Friday (February 7) that his panel will meet Wednesday, February 12, and Thursday, February 13, to debate and vote on his proposed budget resolution. This first bill will pave the way for passing a second bill focused exclusively on the border, defense and energy.
The bill would authorize $85.5 billion in spending per year — fully offset by spending cuts. Items relevant to ECA members include instructions to the Armed Services Committee to propose $150 billion in spending, and to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources and Environment and Public Works committees to each find ways to cut $1 billion over 10 years from programs they are responsible for.
ECA will keep you updated on the budget as the situation develops. To track details on the budget fight yourself, see Politico's live updates on the matter. For more information on the Budget process, visit ECA’s website.