Last month, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY2025 was passed by Congress and approved by the President, authorizing $895 billion for defense and national security programs. The number follows a cap on national defense spending that Republicans and the White House agreed to last year, and is the same amount that the Biden Administration requested in its final budget. Funding items are in line with that request as well.
Below is a summary of some of the key Department of Energy (DOE) & National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) authorized line items (shown in thousands of dollars):
Atomic Energy Defense Activities
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) - $24,939,925
Weapons Activities - $19,981,044
Los Alamos Plutonium Modernization – 1,494,086
Savannah River Plutonium Modernization – 1,275,332
PULSE New Access at the Nevada National Security Site – $25,000
Plutonium mission safety and quality building at Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, NM – $49,000
Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation - $2,451,108
Naval Reactors - $1,968,773
Naval Reactors Facility Medical Science Complex in Idaho Falls, ID – $45,000
Federal Salaries and Expenses - $539,000
Defense Environmental Cleanup - $7,005,630
Richland – $983,514
Office of River Protection – $1,985,165
Idaho National Lab – $459,243
NNSA sites & Nevada off-sites – $343,187
Oak Ridge Reservation – $553,705
Savannah River Site – $1,565,471
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant – $425,420
Other Defense Activities - $1,140,023
Legacy Management – $205, 258
Total: Atomic Energy Defense Activities - $33,085,578
Other relevant items:
Nuclear Energy – $150,000
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board - $47,000
The NDAA for FY2025 also creates the following policies for DOE & NNSA –
Prohibition on the use of federal funds to support access to national security laboratories and nuclear weapons production facilities for certain individuals from China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.
Authorization of the NNSA to reimburse contractors for transportation services in accordance with an approved transportation plan.
A prohibition of DOE from researching naval nuclear fuel systems based on low-enriched uranium until the DOE & the Department of Defense (DOD) make certain determinations to Congress.
A prohibition on NNSA from reconverting or retiring W76-2 warheads. The NNSA Administrator could waive this if it’s confirmed that Russia and China do not have similar capabilities and that DOD does not have a valid military requirement for the warhead.
Modification and termination of certain reporting requirements under the Atomic Energy Defense Act related to the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility, along with reporting requirements relating to cost-benefit analyses.
A directive for NNSA to assess the viability of several possible locations for a modular, scalable uranium enrichment facility by 2035.
A requirement for NNSA’s national security laboratories to notify Congress of certain regulations that could inhibit nuclear weapons stockpile activities.
The NDAA only authorizes spending, and Congress must pass a full-year appropriations bill to truly provide funds to these programs.
In the meantime, a continuing resolution (CR; H.R.10545) that extends fiscal year (FY) 2024 funding levels until March 14 has been passed and approved, delaying battles over government funding until the administration of President-elect Donald Trump is more established.
Below is a summary of some of the key DOE/NNSA funded line items (shown in thousands of dollars):
Department of Energy
Defense Environmental Cleanup - $2,415,000 for necessary expenses related to damages caused by Hurricanes Helene and Milton
Other Defense Activities - $1,750,000, in additional funds to conduct risk reduction and modification of National Security Systems
National Nuclear Security Administration
Weapons Activities - $1,884,000, for necessary expenses related to damages caused by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.
ECA looks forward to providing continuous updates on the status of the budget and appropriations. To learn more about the Budget and Appropriations process and the NDAA, visit our website.