Passing a last-minute continuing resolution (CR) to fund the federal government and avert a shutdown on October 1 will take top priority during Congress’ last scheduled week in Washington before November elections. As we discussed last week at the National Cleanup Workshop, Congress will fund the CR through December 20, before the end of the current fiscal year (FY) on October 1. The CR would keep the government (including DOE) running at FY2024 funding levels, with few exceptions. House lawmakers are planning to vote on Wednesday, September 25, on the measure. The Senate is expected to pass the CR by the end of the week. This is a critical must pass CR prior to the elections.

The fate of the December omnibus appropriations bill (or another CR) will also be locked up in the results of the election and who controls the Senate, House and the Administration. To see the status of the Senate and House Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bills, vist ECA's Budget Tracker on our website.

In related news, leaders of the Senate Armed Services Committee introduced a manager’s package of 93 amendments to the Senate defense authorization bill last week.

The package, as well as the Senate Armed Services approved bill (S. 4638), will be part of negotiations with the House to create a single bill to send to the President. The House passed its own version of the bill (H.R.8070) earlier this summer.  

ECA looks forward to providing further updates on the budget process as it develops. For more information on the appropriations and budget process, see ECA’s website