ECA Staff | 08/12/24

Last month, the National Association of Counties (NACo) held their annual conference in Florida to discuss federal policies impacting counties, best practices, and other issues brought forth by the 3,069 counties, parishes, and boroughs in attendance. 

The Environment, Energy, and Land Use Policy Committee was successful in introducing and passing the following platform changes to the Annual Conference:

  • Proposed Platform Change to Energy – Section H. Nuclear Waste Management:

    • NACo voted to include language in their energy policy platform under the nuclear waste management section that voices their concern with the current federal nuclear waste repository program through DOE. NACo supports federal legislation that would ensure that DOE meet its statutory responsibilities regarding current and future nuclear waste stockpiles. This language also supports the construction of a permanent geological nuclear waste repository and the use of an interim storage facility until the permanent site is completed. NACO is also supportive of DOE’s consent-based siting process and the efforts being done to work on the permanent repository in parallel with an interim facility.

  • Proposed Resolution Requesting Presidential Appointment and U.S. Senate Confirmation of New Members on the Department of Energy’s Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.

    • NACo urges the President to appoint additional members of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (NDSFB), the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee to report out favorable members of the Board, and for the U.S. Senate to confirm up to four new members of the Board this year. 

  • Proposed Resolution Requesting the Department of Energy (DOE) to Develop a New Grant Program, Based on the DOD Infrastructure Pilot Program.

    • NACo requests DOE to consider developing a new grant program based on the Department of Defense Community Infrastructure Pilot Program (DCIP). This program would provide competitive funding to counties and other local government entities that surround DOE facilities to use towards infrastructure. Eligible activities under this grant could include transportation, housing, education, emergency response, water, telecommunication, and utility projects that would benefit the operations and workforce of the surrounding local government and the DOE facility. 

  • Proposed Resolution in Support of Promoting Nuclear Energy Innovation

    • NACo urges the federal government to promote nuclear energy innovation as it plays an essential role in securing the country’s clean energy future. The deployment of new nuclear technologies could advance innovation and lead the country closer towards clean energy goals.

ECA supports NACo’s direction and dedication towards forwarding these issues. As the leading organization representing American counties, NACo’s leadership is valued. ECA would like to thank, Councilor Randall Ryti, Los Alamos County, NM for his work on NACO’s Environment, Energy, and Land Use Policy Committee