ECA Staff | 07/10/24

Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee met to consider the FY25 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (FY25 E&W). The Committee approved the Act in a 30 to 26 vote. 


The FY25 E&W provides a total discretionary funding of $59.190 billion, which is a $999 million (1.7%) increase from the FY24 enacted level, while being $139 million (-0.2%) below the President's budget request. 


The defense portion of the funding is $34.193 billion, which is $906 million (2.7%) above the FY24 enacted level and $214 million (0.6%) above the President's budget request. The non-defense portion is $24.997 billion, which is $93 million (0.4%) above the FY24 enacted level and $453 million (1.4%) below the President's budget request. 


Below is a breakdown of the FY25 E&W Appropriations Act as it related to Department of Energy and their activities:

  • Department of Energy: $49.935 billion

  • National Nuclear Security Administration: $25.467 billion

    • $20.3 billion for Weapons Activities

    • $2.1 billion for Naval Reactors

    • $2.4 billion for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation (DNN)

  • $8.39 billion for the Office of Science

    • The bill summary highlights funding for the purposes of advanced fusion research & development and the support of the National Laboratories

  • $1.79 billion for Nuclear Energy

    • The bill summary highlights increased funding to the Advanced Nuclear Fuel Availability program, with the aim of advancing production of high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU)

    • The summary also highlights continues support of the Advanced Reactors Demonstration Program

  • $205.26 million for Legacy Management

  • $8.32 billion for Environmental Management and cleanup activities

    • $7.13 billion for Defense Environmental Cleanup

    • $324 million for Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup

To read the full bill, click here. For the bill report, click here.


Energy and Water Development Subcommittee Chairman Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) said, “The American people and the world are looking to our leaders for vision and strength. I am proud that the Fiscal Year 2025 Energy and Water bill invests in our long-term energy security, strengthens our economic competitiveness, counters national security threats from Russia and China, and keeps America as the leading scientific power in the world. The FY25 Energy and Water bill is a win for fiscal responsibility, a win for national security, and a win for America. I am glad to see the bill pass out of the full Appropriations Committee today, and I thank my colleagues for their support and Chairman Cole for his leadership.”


ECA will continue to monitor and provide updates on developments in the appropriations and budget process. For more information on the federal budget, visit our website.