House Passed FY25 NDAA in Narrow Vote

Today, the House passed H.R. 8070, the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in a narrow vote of 217-199. The House FY25 NDAA authorizes $883.7 billion towards defense programs. The NDAA is considered a must-pass bill, as it authorizes all defense activities from National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSAA) and Environmental Management (EM) to pay raises to troops and weapons system procurement. 


This discretionary total would include about $33.3 billion for the Department of Energy (DOE). The NDAA is crucial for defense as it controls everything, but it also is crucial to the authorization of energy-related national security programs. The NDAA includes authorizations for NNSA, EM defense cleanup up, and Office of Legacy Management, among others. Below are program highlights:


TOTAL $24.9 billion  – National Nuclear Security Administration

$19.9 billion to Weapons Activities

$2.4 billion to Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation

$1.9 billion to Naval Reactors


TOTAL $7.1 billion – Defense Environmental Cleanup


TOTAL $2.9 billion to Plutonium Modernization

$1.5 billion to Los Alamos Plutonium Modernization

$1.3 billion to Savannah River Plutonium Modernization


The Senate Armed Services Committee held their markup this week behind closed doors. However, their version is not expected to be released until July. Once the Senate version is released, leaders in both chambers will meet to create a compromise version of the legislation, which has been voted on and signed into law every year for the past 60 years. 


While House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) and other GOP lawmakers have committed to passing all funding bills before their annual August recess, it is unclear whether the Senate will also push for that schedule. 


ECA will continue to provide updates on the NDAA and all other relevant funding bills.