ECA Staff | 10/27/2023

After three weeks of nominations, votes, and chaos, the House finally has their speaker. On October 25th, Congressman Mike Johnson (LA-R-04) was elected as the Speaker of the House. On Thursday, October 26th, the House passed their second bill with their new speaker. 


H.R. 4394 - Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024 was first introduced in the House on June 30th, 2023. ECA initially released a summary of both House and Senate Energy & Water Appropriations that can be read here


This bill provides $56.958 billion in discretionary spending that will support and advance our national security, energy security, amd economic competitiveness. The $56.958 billion is $2.963 billion below the FY 2024 Presidential request. This bill provides $32.513 billion in defense spending, which is an increase of $1.113 billion above the FY23 enacted level. It also provides $24.445 billion in non-defense spending, which is a decrease of $857 million below the FY23 enacted level and $2.63 billion below the Presidential request. 


This includes $24 billion for the National Nuclear Security Administration. Under the Department of Energy, this includes $7.073 billion in Defense Environmental Cleanup. As well as $341 million for Non-Defense Cleanup. 


This bill also supports domestic uranium enrichment capabilities, including high-assay low enriched uranium (HALEU) availability. As well as advancing small modular reactor and advanced reactor demonstration projects. 


The next step for this would be for the Senate to pass the bill. However, both chambers have differing priorities that will need to be worked through in committee. 


ECA will continue to follow the Energy and Water Bill and provide updates as it continues to move across the chambers. For more information read the ECA Energy and Water Appropriations summary here