DOE’s Consent Based Siting (CBS) Initiative is focused on a community driven approach to siting a potential consolidated federal interim storage facility (CISF) for spent nuclear fuel.
ECA is hosting this invitation only meeting to identify, explore, and discuss what business case opportunities may existing for a local, tribal or state government hosting a facility that includes spent nuclear fuel and what policies need to be considered for a community hosting such a site.
The goal of the meeting is to assist communities – broadly defined to include local, state and Tribal governments – to build an “art of the possible” vision that incorporates long-term economic development and diversity goals and is based on lessons learned, input from sender, receiver sites and subject matter experts, and facilitating interaction across all the parties required to reach consent.
Community business opportunities could range from investment in infrastructure, co-locating industrial facilities or reprocessing facilities to create new fuel for advanced reactors, from creating community benefits packages or developing an energy hub to seeking direct payments
For more about the meeting and COnsent Based Siting, see ECA’s Consent Based Siting Website.