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Building the Nuclear Energy Future

  • Energy Communities Alliance 1625 I Street Northwest Washington, DC, 20006 (map)

This webinar is the first under ECA’s New Nuclear Initiative focused on defining the role of local governments in supporting the development of the new nuclear technologies. This self-funded initiative aims to help our members– nuclear-friendly communities – better understand how/where they can use and build their unique experiences and resources (i.e., skilled workforce, relationships with DOE, community colleges and contractors) to support DOE’s environmental cleanup while, in parallel, pursue future economic development opportunities.

ECA’s initiative seeks to answer three primary questions:

  • What do communities need to know to attract and support new nuclear development/missions?

  • What and how should communities communicate to industry, national laboratories, state and federal governments about local resources and development opportunities?

  • What hurdles and challenges will communities face and who can we work with to overcome them?

ECA is especially excited to welcome as our keynote speaker Jim Conca, journalist and Chief Technical Officer for UFA Ventures, Inc.

The final agenda can be viewed here.

Registration is free. Please visit this page to register: