DOE extends contracts across the complex

Last year, ECA highlighted major EM contracts that were set to expire in 2020. DOE has announced several extensions and awards in recent months:

Photo courtesy of Department of Energy

Photo courtesy of Department of Energy

  • Environmental Program Services in Nevada

    • Extended through 7/31/20. Originally ending 1/31/20

  • Security Services at Savannah River Site

    • Extended through 10/7/20. Originally ending 2/7/20.

  • Hanford Site Infrastructure Services

    • Extended through 11/25/20. Originally ending 5/25/20.

  • Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Management and Operating Contract

    • Extended through 9/30/22. Originally ending 9/30/20.

  • West Valley Demonstration Project Interim End State

    • Extended through 6/29/23. Originally ending 4/17/20.

The remaining 11 contracts have not yet been extended and have an end date in 2020 (current as of April 9, 2020):

  • NRC Licensed Facilities Management Contract in Idaho

    • Ending 3/31/20 (no change).

  • Decontamination & Decommissioning Project for the East Tennessee Technology Park

    • Ending 7/31/20 (no change).

  • Hanford 222-S Laboratory Analysis and Testing Services

    • Ending 9/20/20 (no change).

  • Tank Operations Contract at Hanford

    • Ending 9/30/20 (no change).

  • Paducah Infrastructure Services

    • Ending 9/30/20 (no change). 

  • Hanford Site Central Plateau Remediation

    • Ending 9/30/20 (no change).

  • Design, Construction and Commissioning of the Salt Waste Processing Facility at Savannah River Site

    • Ending 9/30/20 (no change).

  • Savannah River Liquid Waste Program

    • Ending 9/30/20 (no change).

  • Management and Operation (M&O) of the Savannah River Site

    • Ending 9/30/20 (no change).

  • Transuranic Waste Processing at Oak Ridge

    • Ending 10/26/20 (no change).

  • Carlsbad Technical Assistance Contract 

    • Ending 12/3/20 (no change).

EM also recently began the procurement process for the DUF6 conversion contract for the Portsmouth Paducah Project Office, issuing a request for information (RFI)/sources sought notice in late March. The current contract held by Mid-America Conversion Services, LLC expires in January 2022. A procurement site for this contract is available here

While the management contract for Savannah River National Laboratory is set to end in October this year, DOE issued a draft request for proposals (RFP) for a new 10-year, $3.8 billion contract. DOE has the option to extend the current contract for up to two more years while a final RFP and potential award are pending.

In addition to recent action on EM contracts, DOE/NNSA announced a major extension for UT-Battelle to continue management of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for another five-year period. It is the fourth extension for UT-Battelle at ORNL since it began its management in 2000.